I can’t control if I wake up with a headache,
but I can wiggle my toes and move my feet
I can’t control what politicians say or do, but I can get off my couch, and put my shoes on
I can’t control if my dog leaves a mess on the carpet- but I can pick up my left leg
I cannot control how I'm feeling - up, down, bored, excited..., but I can place one foot on the pavement
I can’t control whether it’s about to rain, but I can pull out my umbrella - and take another step
I can't control all the thoughts running through my head, but I can focus on the sensations in the bottom of my feet, and take another step
I can’t control what people think of me, or say about me... but I can keep moving anyway
I can’t control what’s past, or what’s yet to come- but I can look around me, and take another step
Someday, I won't be able to move my legs, or my feet, or any part of my body...and I cannot control when that day may come.
But for today, for this moment, I can take another step- and maybe one more after that - and that’s enough for today
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