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Showing posts from July, 2015

Mindfulness in Education Conference 2015

I recently returned from three  days in Denver for the 2015 Mindfulness in Education Conference. It consisted of two days of wonderful speakers and workshops, and a final day of mindfulness practice on Sunday.  There are several such conferences now across the country, but this one was founded about eight years ago by Richard Brady, a former high school math teacher from Washington D.C. I've been fortunate to attend every conference put together by the MiEN folks, (Mindfulness in Education Network), and each year just seems to get better. It's now a three day event, with speakers and experts from around the country convening to share the insights from their work in the fields of mindfulness and education.  My wife accompanied me on this trip, and after a day or two, she asked me,  "So what are you learning?.... Are you learning anything new?"  I had to pause when she asked me this question. Certainly most of the concepts are familiar by now: defining mindfulness...