If you asked me to read a book about assessment, I would politely decline. Assessment has never held much interest for me, as a theme in itself. Sure, I do my grades at the end of a unit like everyone else. But for me it's always been about the process, and reflecting moment-by-moment. And as an art teacher, I have conflicting feelings about grading something that should be an expression of the self. But a colleague of mine has a strong interest in this topic, especially as her little girl is bumping into the testing monolith in her elementary school. So when I ran into Anya Kamenetz's book, " The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don't Have to Be " (PublicAffairs, 2015), I picked it up and gave it a go. I wasn't disappointed. Kamenetz is an education reporter for NPR, and her expertise shines through every page. She starts with a meticulous critique of our current system, and also gives a historical overview of where a...